Jonathan Myers, MD, FACC
Exercise Physiologist / Cardiopulmonary Specialist
Director, Cardiopulmonary Research, Palo Alto VA Medical Center

Jonathan Myers, is currently the Director of Cardiopulmonary Research at Palo Alto VA Medical Center and coordinator for the Cardiology exercise laboratory. His 15 years of research, teaching, and writing in the exercise testing field, has earned him consulting and publication opportunities around the globe. He has authored and co-authored guidelines on exercise testing and related topics for numerous organizations, including the American Heart Association, American Thoracic Society, and the American College of Sports Medicine.

Dr. Myers graduated from the University of California, Santa Barbara, and performed graduate studies at San Diego State University and the University of Southern California. He has been performing research, teaching, and writing in regard to exercise testing and training for over 15 years. His particular interest has been in the area of ventilatory gas exchange techniques, a topic on which he recently completed a book.

He has conducted more than 60 workshops and consulted with manufacturers across the United States and Europe. In conjunction with Dr. Froelicher, he has published extensively in the areas of exercise physiology, exercise testing, and exercise training, and they co-authored a leading textbook on exercise, "Exercise and the Heart, Clinical Concepts". He has authored or co-authored guidelines on exercise testing and related topics for numerous organizations, including the American Heart Association, American Thoracic Society, and the American College of Sports Medicine.

Presently, he manages research activities in the Cardiology department at the Palo Alto Veterans Affairs Medical Center, and is coordinator for the Cardiology exercise laboratory. He is a clinical assistant professor of medicine at Stanford University, and a consultant to the Stanford Sports Medicine program. He has recently completed the largest follow-up study including gas exchange, clinical, and hemodynamic of patients with severe heart failure.

In addition to a variety of clinical, research, and teaching activities at Stanford and the VA, he also works extensively with statistical and database management. In addition to consulting with US firms, he frequently consults with foreign groups on data management and statistics. Over the years, he has been involved with research groups from Switzerland, Norway, South America, Italy, Japan and Canada, and published papers related to exercise testing and training with all of them.